34233 Profitable Massage Business - 10 Years

Nestled in the vibrant heart of a bustling shopping centre, this lively massage haven beckons those in search of tranquillity and rejuvenation. For a decade, this gem has been a cherished cornerstone of the community, specialising in remedial massage and therapy. Its unwavering presence in the same spot has transformed it into a trusted sanctuary for therapeutic relief, creating a delightful retreat for patrons.


What truly distinguishes this massage shop is not just its exceptional services but also its premium location. Occupying a strategic spot within the shopping centre, it enjoys a constant flow of foot traffic, providing easy access for those yearning for a quick escape from the daily hustle. Convenient parking options further enhance the seamless transition from the chaos of everyday life to a serene oasis within moments.


Steered by a dedicated husband-and-wife team and complemented by a team of skilled professionals, this massage shop radiates warmth and hospitality. The collaborative efforts ensure each client experiences personalised attention and care, fostering an environment where relaxation and healing flourish. The positive relationship with the landlord adds another layer of stability, laying a robust foundation for the business's continuous success.


Key Features:

- Celebrating a thriving decade in the same location, boasting a devoted clientele.

- Perfectly positioned in a bustling shopping centre with a constant influx of foot traffic.

- Helmed by a committed husband-and-wife duo, supported by a team of staff.

- Enjoying a robust and positive rapport with the landlord, ensuring stability.


A living testament to its enduring popularity, clients return regularly, contributing to the ongoing prosperity of this lucrative business. This massage shop is not just an opportunity; it's a golden chance to step into a business with a strong foundation and a promising future. Enquire today to embark on this exciting journey and receive a confidentiality agreement.


Suburb Strathpine
Price $135,000
Property Type Business
Category Beauty/Health, Beauty/Health, Beauty/Health

Agent Details

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Bonza Business Sales Brisbane

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